New Vision School is a co-educational and bilingual school in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The school follows the Cambridge British Curriculum in core subjects in the primary and middle school and Edexcel in the High School as well as the MOE Curriculum for Arabic, Islamic and Mowatana.
NVS is a certified Cambridge International (CIE) Centre. The Cambridge International Primary Programme (CIPP) is implemented in Preschool and Elementary School along with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), followed by the Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme (CLSP) in the Middle School, the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in Grades 9 and 10. In Grades 11 and 12 ,New Vision School offers Advanced Subsidiary(AS-Gr.11) and Advanced Level(ALGr.12)qualifications from Edexcel .Students can opt for subjects based on their interest which foster them for higher education.